Please find attached a video of Number One Daughter being energetic. I hope that you can see it. If you are on a mobile phone it might not show, you will have to go out and buy a proper computer. It has music with it as well. Modern technology is truly a miraculous thing, how splendid to be alive now.
I have added it to this post because I don’t see why I should be the only one feeling fat and inadequate in the last few weeks before Christmas. You can all look at it as well and wonder again if you ought to renew your gym membership in January, despite only having used it three times since last January.
It is the video she used when she gave her Inspirational Talk at Lucy’s school. I jolly well hope they were all inspired. It looks like an awful lot of effort.
I have been speaking to Number One Daughter today, because they have been booking themselves into the hotel for Christmas, for our annual pantomime outing. Number One Daughter took the opportunity to clean out the drawer of her washing machine whilst we were talking. You can do things like that when it is only your mother and not somebody you are trying to impress.
It sounded very like somebody had pooed in the drawer whilst they were not looking, she described it as being full of brown smelly sludge which had seeped into the pipe and made a mess of her washing.
I was interested by this. Where I do not clean my washing machine drawer out it fills up with black smelly sludge. This must be one of those regional things, like accents and different flavours of beer. Clearly they have a different race of washing machine bacteria in Surrey.
It has rained too hard to go outside much today, although Mark went anyway. One of our neighbours had acquired an enormous skip, and obviously Mark found it irresistible. He came back with enough bricks to build half of the conservatory, some handy firewood, and enough water soaked into his clothes to make him squelch when he walked. I was pleased about the bricks and the firewood, but he had to change all of his clothes. Every single thing he was wearing was wet through.
I did not go outside, because I was still busily engaged in my Christmas-present manufacturing project. Today I have reached the glittery stage. I do not approve of glitter any more, because somebody told me that it all goes out to sea and gets eaten by turtles, so I am not going to buy any more when all of this lot is used up.
However I have still got several tubs to go at, and so this year’s Christmas presents are going to be glittery. If you get a Christmas present from me please do not put the glitter in the sea when you have finished with it.
Most of the glitter seems to have gone all over the carpet. I am quite glad about this, because at least I do not have to worry about turtles eating it here. It is only a very few days since I pulled the table out and accidentally knocked the top off it: and tons of last year’s glitter that had been stuck down the cracks flew out and went all over the place. Mark hoovered it up and we put it in the stove in case the Council ever decide to empty the dustbins into the sea.
It feels happy to be making Christmas things, especially because it is dark and grey outside. It has begun to feel like winter.
This is another short entry, because I have got tired. I am going to put you down and go and read my book for a while.
See you tomorrow.