farm in winter

I have had a tiresome grumpy day.

It snowed this morning, making all the roads slippery and everywhere cold.

I was tired and cross when I woke up and absolutely everything Mark did was designed on purpose to annoy me and get under my feet.

I wrote a wonderful and descriptive entry for this which disappeared into the ether whilst I was on the taxi rank and is lost for ever and it was an irreplaceable masterpiece and now it has gone and the world will never know how clever I am at writing things and it just isn’t fair.

I had forgotten about the direct debit for the phone bill: and now I have got an overdraught and probably some bank charges. This is because banks are wicked robbers and will charge me just because they had to use their money to pay my telephone bill instead of mine because all of mine had run out, which is just not fair to poor people who have spent all their money and talked on the phone a lot and it’s the Government who are to blame, and the other lot are just as bad, what’s the point in any of them, they’re all as bad as each other, everybody knows that.

My sandwiches weren’t nice and now I feel fat and bloated because I ate them anyway even though I wasn’t hungry. Then I ate some chocolate raisins. Then I ate some chocolate biscuits. Then I ate some chocolate. Now I am a fat person and nobody will ever love me ever again.

I have been sitting on the taxi rank and all the other drivers were irritating and nobody had anything nice to say. One of them told me a long depressing story about his father-in-law’s prolonged and heartbreaking death from cancer and dementia and another one told me about a row he had had with his wife which is all her fault for being a horrible unreasonable person: and one driver just didn’t bother to turn up at all so he will never make any money if he carries on like that and will probably starve to death and it will serve him right for not trying, that’s what I think.

There weren’t any customers and it is because lots of drivers from Eastern Europe are doing cheap taxis and making us all poor because they want everybody to live three families to a room just the way they do, well we won’t let them bring us down to their level, that’s the thing.

It snowed and rained, and snowed some more.

Sometimes winter can be hard work.

I have had a lovely grumble now.

Whilst I have been writing I have remembered that Mark is warm and friendly and gentle and working hard. He loves me and will make me a cup of tea and rub my back without ever telling me that now it is my turn to rub his.

Also that I have spent ages on the phone gassing to people who are miles away, which is a modern day miracle and actually an amazing thing which is monumentally cheap if you consider how impossible it is: and if I was the bank I would not give my money to spendthrift chatterboxes anyway.

Also that my husband likes women who are round and squashy and nice to cuddle.

Also that the other drivers are also tired and worried about money and cold and grumpy, but they are my friends, and I have known them for years and years, and we can tell each other things and sometimes they are sad, and sometimes they are happy: and tomorrow we will all wind our windows down and shout: Hurrah! when we see each other: which is the way taxi drivers greet each other on the taxi rank and which never fails to make me laugh, what an ace way to start a day at work: and that soon the spring will be here, and we will all be made happy by the daffodils and the bluebells and the tourists.

Also that Joe and Jacek and Hunor and Seb are young and charming and funny and friendly and what’s more they are doing it all in a second language which is unbelievably clever, and they stick together because their families are a thousand miles away, which must be so scary: and despite that they are all honourable and brave and I like all of them, and actually they have got rooms of their own unless they happen to get lucky.

The snow looks glorious on the fells, and in here the fire is warm.

Bugger the lost diary entry, I can always write another.

The council do an amazing job of gritting the roads round here. They have been out all night in the cold with the big wagons making everywhere safe for us tomorrow morning, what a brilliant feat of organisation and co-operation that is, imagine living in a world where everybody chips in a bit and the money gets used to make things a bit easier for all of us.

It is a lovely world and I have an absolutely lovely life.

How is yours?


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