
We are back on the taxi rank after our short but very happy adventures.

I felt much better than I deserved to feel this morning. We hung about in bed for ages drinking coffee and yawning. We discovered then that Nan had very thoughtfully made a large flask of tea and left it in the kitchen, so after that we hung about in bed for a bit longer, drinking tea and yawning.

Grandad bravely got up early and went to a study group. When he got back he said that he had been learning about philosophy and the renaissance, and he thought it might have gone rather better if it hadn’t been for the four bottles of wine the night before.

We had an absolutely ace breakfast of bacon sandwiches and jam doughnuts, which in my opinion is one of the finest ways to start any day, and then Mark and Grandad loaded the dresser into the trailer whilst Nan explained to me why my orchids always die. For the interested, they get too much water, not enough light, and sit too close to radiators.

Eventually we set off to collect Lucy, who came bounding ecstatically out to meet us and then talked all the way to Scotch Corner, when she suddenly lost interest in us and stuck her earphones in. She seems to have got taller, and thinner, and very grown up, they have been talking about A Levels. She thinks that she might do business studies, psychology and philosophy. I think this sounds brilliant, she can speculate about why people save their worst possible behaviour for when they get in taxis.

Getting home was brilliant. We had the most exciting unpacking to do, not only our shopping from yesterday, the lovely Bluebell candle: but of course the new dresser, which is made from the most beautiful silky oak, and looks magnificent.

We dragged the sofa out of the kitchen, because nobody ever sits on it except the dogs, and Roger Poopy has taken to burying his bones in it, which is revolting. It is not at all nice to curl up on a cushion and then find that the uncomfortable thing sticking in your leg is a bit of a dead pig.

We put the dresser in its new place, and sighed with happiness, it looks absolutely perfect. I put our pretty plates on the top shelf, but didn’t have time to do anything else because of moving all the rest of the house around to fit it in.

We moved the clock and the cupboard along the wall, and shoved the coffee table into the corner. Then we dragged the rocking chairs back in front of the fire where we like them best, and decided regretfully that no matter how we rearranged things there was not a single space in the house big enough to accommodate a horrible dog-and-bone-scented sofa, so Mark took it off to the farm in the trailer.

I tidied up and made our picnic, and Lucy buzzed off out to listen to somebody talking about making a cheerless-sounding film called Deadpool at the Comic Art festival in Kendal.

Of course by the time we finally got ourselves organised we were dreadfully late for work. I was so excited about the new looking kitchen that I didn’t at all want to go and work, and longed to stay at home and make biscuits and rearrange the flowers: but obviously I couldn’t.

I can’t stay at home and play with the new dresser until at least Monday, and I can hardly wait, it is absolutely beautiful and looks as though it has been there for ever, apart from not being dusty and covered in crumbs, of course.

It is lovely to have things to look forward to. I am going to do some happy kitchen things next week. I am going to reorganise the flour and the table napkins and have lots of places to put everything.

How exciting life is.

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