Dear everybody,

This is my last diary entry.

I have decided not to continue writing in these pages any more. At the moment I think I have finished for good, although you never know and I might miss the writing so much that in a little while I feel differently.

I have always thought of them as being a sort of present to people, something funny and entertaining and cheerful to put into every day, just as a nice thing, something that I could give to the world.

For that reason I have thought hard before stopping, but on the whole I think probably the world won’t notice much. It has been a long time since anybody shared the page on Facebook, and the changes in the algorithm have meant that consequently the readership is dwindling anyway.

Also, inevitably, it occupies a very great deal of time in every day.

If anybody wants to stay in touch you can always email.

Best wishes to you, and thanks for your interest.



  1. David Openshaw Reply

    Thanks for the last few years of diary I always looked forward to my window on the lakes and your life. I hope to see one of your pieces published on the future.

  2. So more time to spend on your writing, Sarah. Good luck with the Masters!

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