We have got a conveniently small  bathroom towel on a hook.

This seems to me to be a marvellous improvement.

Mark has put the old towel holder in Oliver’s bathroom. The towel will have loads of time to dry in between Oliver’s ablutions.

Also I have painted a picture of a lamp post next to the front door. I started doing this in a creatively inspired mood ages ago, and got bored. I painted the post bit, but it has been without the lamp for almost an entire year. Today I have finished the lamp bit. I do not like it very much any more but at least it is finished.

Mark has laid the new kitchen floor. It is made of lots of different bits of wood. They are all different thicknesses, so he will have to plane it off flat tomorrow. I am not looking forward to this because of the dust but there will be a new floor at the end of it and so I am reminding myself to be patient. He has gone on a lot about it looking beautiful but when it is finished I want to cover it with cork. This is quiet to walk on and is almost as nice for feet as a carpet, and so I have told him that beautiful is not important. He is doing it anyway.

I have explained that I do not want to do anything at all in the old kitchen ever again, because it is dark and grim and gloomy. I notice this especially now that the sun is shining. When we come into the house out of the conservatory we have to wait for a moment for our eyesight to adjust. Mark has promised that we will get the new kitchen in this week.

Of course I trust him completely.

It is the last day of the school holidays tomorrow, and hence the last night tonight. Tomorrow night does not count as a holiday because we have got to get up early for Chapel on Monday morning and hence could not stay up all night watching films on Netflix and drinking wine even if we wanted to.

With this in mind we thought that we would try and celebrate as if it were a normal back to school. Of course it is nothing like a normal back to school really, because Oliver is not going anywhere. He is going to stay in his bedroom and do Latin and Maths on his computer. Usually we have got to drive all the way to Scotland and back and Oliver has got to live in a dormitory with his friends and get up for Chapel from there.

In some ways it is very similar. All of his friends are in the computer in his bedroom here. We can hear them yelling and laughing when they have managed a particularly rewarding cyber-massacre.

However the holidays are over, and we thought that we would mark it with something to make us feel like real life, and we had not quite spent all of the Government’s generous present, so we blew the last of it on a takeaway Indian meal and watched a film on Amazon Prime.

We did not intend to get a takeaway Indian meal. We thought that we would get a Chinese, but either they have all got Coronavirus, or they have gone back to China, or they are having a holiday at the Government’s expense, because they are all shut and you cannot get a takeaway Chinese in Windermere.

The Indian restaurant never shuts. We go there for Christmas dinner.

They have not shut now, although they have adopted a Cash Only policy, presumably because the Government thinks that they are having a holiday at their expense as well. I think that this is sensible, because they would go broke if they had got to try and manage normally, which is what the Government seems to think that you ought to try and do.

We did consider going there to eat in, but thought probably they would prefer it if we didn’t ask, so Mark went round and we all had butter chicken and pilau rice.

This was the most glorious, joyful luxury. It is ages since we have had anything to eat that is not our own cooking, and it was wonderful beyond happiness, so much so that I have given myself indigestion and am sitting here feeling a bit uncomfortably regretful.

Oliver wanted to watch a film called Kingsman Two. This turned out to be the sequel to a film called Kingsman One, and was basically the story of some well-dressed hooligans shooting their way across bits of Europe to rescue Elton John who had been kidnapped by a girl in Cambodia. I do not think that this spoils any of the plot, although it pretty much sums it up. You could tell that they were well-dressed because one of them was using the same shaving cream as Mark, so perhaps he has had a handout from the Government as well.

We liked the film very much, although remembered afterwards that we had missed Elon Musk launching his space rocket. This was tiresome because we hung around waiting for it for ages in the garden the other night before we realised that they hadn’t bothered because it was raining. Windermere Bowling Club does this so I suppose we should not have been surprised.

We were going to watch it afterwards but the computer battery had gone flat by then, we will have to try again tomorrow.

Have a picture of some flowering pumpkins.

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