
The thing is, it really is a bit early to start making Christmas decorations.

I want to make some decorations out of dried oranges and cloves, because they will smell nice, so I have bought some oranges.

I remembered afterwards that it is still only October, which was a bit of a disappointment. I am going to have to make decorations with them all the same, because nobody in our house eats oranges.

I suppose I could call them winter decorations and put them up anyway. I have got some autumn decorations up and that is allowed, so I should think it would be all right to have winter decorations if I want to.

The autumn decorations are flowers and pumpkins and some orange seed things from the garden that look pretty, I think they are called Chinese lanterns. It is lovely being at home in the evening when everywhere is decorated, it feels warm and safe and bright. We are not really at home for much of the evenings because of being at work, but it is starting to go dark earlier, and so it is feeling like evening even when it is only teatime really, and I can light candles and draw the curtains before I go out to work.

Number Two Daughter and I went to Asda this morning. By morning, of course I mean when we got up, which wasn’t morning at all by the time we actually got ourselves organised.

Number Two Daughter needed to go to Kendal anyway to rescue her car which was still languishing in the rugby club car park, waiting for somebody to be sober enough to drive it, and so kindly volunteered to accompany me.

Lucy declined my suggestion that she join us and pointed out that she is an expensive person to take shopping. This is true, and it it turned out to be just as well, because I had a really long list of things that we needed, and when I got there I remembered a lot more: so I spent all of my money even with only one daughter helping me.

It is very handy having a daughter who is busy being fit, because she was quite happy to wear herself out pushing the trolley, so I wandered about in a state of contented freedom whilst she soldiered along behind me with an increasingly laden trolley full of soap powder and dog food and similar important but unexciting purchases.

After a while we needed a second trolley, which curtailed my activities a bit, and the whole lot took ages to shove through the checkout even with an exhaustingly high speed youth on the till. Then Number Two Daughter buzzed off in her newfound car, and I went off home to unpack.

You will be relieved to hear that not only did I get all of the shopping unpacked before I came to work, but I also managed to finish making the last batch of the tiresome jelly that has been troubling me for the last couple of weeks. I can’t tell if it has set properly or not yet because of having to go out to work before it had cooled, but if it has then I can celebrate the end of apple jelly manufacture for another year.

I made Mark have the leftover-apple jam on his toast this morning, and he said it was fine, so that is a relief because of there being six more jars.

Oranges coming next.


1 Comment

  1. I think your Chinese lantern plant originated from one I had in the conservatory, which has since died. Would you have time to take a cutting from yours for me? Thanks! Keep up the good work! Love, Mum.

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