I have not managed to get any more done to the camper van today.

I went to the ironmonger’s shop this morning to get some fibre glass. The shower tray in the camper van has got a crack in it, and it is leaking.

This will not help the floor underneath, which has probably gone black and mouldy by now, but since we can’t see it we don’t need to worry.

We thought that perhaps we could patch the shower tray up, because trying to take it out would be an awful lot of nuisance, not least because the vinyl on the walls is stuck to the top of it.

The man in the ironmonger’s shop thought otherwise.

He said that you could not just mend cracked shower trays as easily as that, because they wag about when you stand on them and the stuck-up hole just reopens. He said that I needed a new one, and put the fibre glass back on the shelf.

Nobody ever does that sort of thing to Mark.

I looked it up when I got home, and the mighty Internet had several different opinions.

People who sold shower trays were entirely certain that they could not possibly be fixed once cracked, not under any circumstances.

People who sold shower-tray-repair-kits said that it was the easiest thing in the world, just bung on a good dollop of their marvellous product, add the mystery bit in the other tube, and it was as good as perfect, apart from some sanding down, repainting and general clearing up.

They did not say much about the clearing up, but I expect there will be loads of it. There always is.

The man in the ironmonger’s would be rubbish on the mighty Internet, because he is selling glue not shower trays. He will never become a dot com millionaire.

In the end I did not even buy a shower tray repair kit. I bought some epoxy resin because somebody gave it a five star review for fixing their cracked shower tray, and because it was a fiver instead of £22.99.

It should arrive this week. I will let you know how I go on with it.

Anyway, I did not get anything done in there today because of rushing around clearing up after the weekend.

I made a couple of coconut and cherry cakes, with added courgettes.

I have taken to adding courgettes to cakes these days, not least because they are cheap and filling and give the cake a solidly businesslike texture. They are slab-like and heavy, which I rather like, and which means that Mark only eats one slice with his dinner. We do not buy cakes and biscuits in shops, but when we do have them they are gone in a twinkling of a jiffy. Obviously they do not have enough vegetables in them.

Somehow courgettes do not seem to give Mark wind when they are in cake instead of curry or risotto. I am not sure why this might be, you might try it for yourselves and see if it works for you as well.

I had to hurry up because the lodger was coming to see me.

She was coming for a couple of hours to chat before work, to drink coffee and listen to me telling her how best to live her life.

I have got no idea if this is allowed any more, and I have now stopped caring. 

We had a lovely afternoon. I do not care if we have got to go to prison for it.

I watched our beloved leaders looking shifty and uncomfortable this evening on my computer on the taxi rank, and thought that I might book tickets to go and see Andrew Lloyd-Webber’s Cinderella. I have been impressed by his suggestion that the police should come and arrest the entire cast and audience if they wished to stop the Show Going On, and thought that this might make for an interesting theatrical event. Certainly I would very much like to be part of it, even if it did mean spending the night squished into a police cell with the rest of Row D Dress Circle. 

It seems that Twitter has started a hash tag MeToo movement for people who, like Mr. Lloyd-Webber, have had enough. I do not do Twitter at all, and have spent some time this evening trying to find a hash tag on my computer keyboard, but to no avail, so I can’t join in.

I am there in my soul.  

I haven’t got any other pictures so have a picture of the expensive candle I have been lighting lately whenever one of the children needed the favour of the Gods.

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