
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

Unfortunately due to adverse circumstances this diary is due to be rather shorter than usual this evening due to circumstances which were foreseen but not prepared for.

In other words I have had a monumentally busy day and although I knew that Number One Daughter and Ritalin Boy were due to arrive this evening I did not write my diary in advance,  and hence am now exhausted and drunk.

I spent the day tidying up, because of having a bright pink face caused by fibre glass insulation, and Mark looked at me this morning and laughed, and said that I should not go back to the camper van until he had boxed all of the fibre glass away and I would no longer be subject to its awful prickly dust.

I felt a bit guilty but nevertheless relieved, and he went off by himself, probably feeling equally relieved because of  peace and quiet issues and being able to listen to dreadful music on the radio.

I washed things and tidied up, and then made the rash decision to wash all our bedding, being the actual duvet and pillows, because they smelled funny.

It is now after midnight and none of it is anywhere near dry, so Mark has put the quilt from the camper van on our bed.

Once I had made our bedroom completely uninhabitable and stuck a chicken in the oven I started on an unbelievable curtain manufacturing faff.

I measured the fabrics that I had got and worried about pattern matching, and worried again about what piece should be best used for what, and spread them out on the now empty bed and faffed about anxiously a bit more, and rang Mark, whose phone was out of signal, and as I worked myself up into a complete state Number Two Daughter came storming in having had a shouting match with Lakeside Taxis, for whom she has been working, and told them in rather graphic terms where they could put their car keys.

This sort of behaviour is normal for taxi drivers, so neither they nor she was especially worried about it, and I made her a cup of coffee along with soothing noises, and by the time she had drunk it she was prepared to offer to return to work tomorrow on condition they promised no longer to be horrid, which they instantly and untruthfully agreed to do. In the end it was decided that she would go back to work and they would continue to give her work, but that each side understood the other’s point of view, which was not the case, but that everything would be all right until next time.

This sort of thing is almost a daily event when you have got a taxi company, so nobody cared, and a surprise bonus was that Number One Daughter arrived in the middle of it, and Number Two Daughter realised that she had got the rest of the night off, so everybody was happy.

Ritalin Boy charged about until he was so excited that he had an accidental wee, and then we gave him a shower and put him to bed under the desk in the office. Mark came home from the camper van and I was so relieved to see him that I forgot about going to work and got drunk.

We had a happy family evening listening to one another’s stories and laughing. When bedtime arrived I remembered at the last minute that I had forgotten to write in here, and also that our quilt and pillows were still languishing in a soggy freshly-laundered state, and we had some emergency substitution with the camper van things, and I have had to write this on the iPad because of the computer being on the top of the desk which has got Ritalin Boy underneath it.

I am far too exhausted in consequence of curtain related anguish and also because of small boy related excitements to do anything other than give up and go to bed.

See you tomorrow.

I haven’t taken a picture today. At the top is a picture I took yesterday of the horrible insulation.


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