I have had such a busy day that my feet are aching.

Actually just one foot is aching really, although the other one is sympathetic.

Oliver is home, as you know, and this always nudges domestic activity up a couple of notches.

To begin with there was the inevitable and eternally wearisome laundry. I could not see the washing machine behind the large pile of it this morning, I suspect Gordonstoun’s laundry service must have packed up for the summer about a fortnight ago, because there seemed to be absolutely loads of it. Just to add to the challenge, his girlfriend’s family dog seemed to have discovered that piles of laundry are a comfortable place for a little snooze, and quite a bit of it had to be brushed out in the back yard before it went anywhere near the washing machine.

Fortunately it was not raining, or at least, only raining in that Lake District sort of way where you decide to hang your washing out anyway, because even with the rain it is windy enough to be drier than the house.

As well as Oliver’s laundry, there were the towels from the camper van and all of our laundry, accumulated during several days away in the camper van. The washing line is still full even now, and it is almost ten o’clock at night.

It is no longer my problem, though, because I am at work. Mark and Oliver are now in charge of domesticity, and they can sort it out between them.

Not that I imagine they will. I think they have gone over to the farm to bash Oliver’s car about and dig up some potatoes.

Mark went to work this morning, and apart from the endless laundry, I thought I would sort my desk out. I have to do lots of things on my desk, and it collects clutter if I do not reorganise the drawers occasionally. Happily, today I discovered they were filled with useful things that I had forgotten I owned, although it appears that I no longer own a pencil sharpener, and need to refill my box of staples. I do not know how I have managed to use two whole boxes of staples in our newly paperless Brave New World, but it appears that I have, possibly sending things to the council, who have not yet got to grips with the cyber-universe.

Did I tell you I got some blotting paper for my birthday? I was very pleased with that. Blotting paper is very useful indeed, and it will mean I do not need to blow on the words I have just written, or flap them about impatiently before I can turn the page over.

The blotting paper, and the other splendid desk-furniture,  has inspired me to have a newly tidy desk. I have put my pens in their new pot and filled the inkwell. This was a happy moment.

Once that was achieved I had to turn my attention to less satisfactory tasks, and went into the yard to saw some firewood. It is not that cold, but every minute spent sawing firewood in July is a minute not spent in a November gale, with rain trickling down our necks. Also the builders have kindly donated so much scrap wood lately that we can hardly get in through the gate, so I thought I would have a go at clearing some of it.

All the same, I had barely made a dent in it when Oliver appeared, needing to be taken to the orthodontist. It is almost another Last Thing, because the next time he goes they are going to take his brace out. This will be just before he tootles off to Seoul, so he will be newly handsome for his holidays. He is looking forward to this very much indeed.

We did all the usual thing of dentistry followed by a little retail therapy, because he eats a very great deal now that he is tall and athletic, but it was hardly any trouble at all because he is tall and athletic and pushed the trolley then carried all of the bags. I admired this very much.

I have arrived home, you will not be surprised to hear that I am writing whilst Mark is in the shower. They forgot the potatoes so they will have to have sandwiches tomorrow instead. Neither of them seem to mind this and they are full of thrilling descriptions of dismantling a car and rebuilding it with bits of Mark’s uncle’s scrap collection.

I am very pleased they are having a lovely time.

I  am even more pleased they are not doing it here.


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