Dear everybody,

I am not going to say very much because I have talked my head off and I do not think I have got very many words left.

I am full of everything, wine, food, theatre, and happy moments. I do not think I could cram a single drop of anything else in.

We have been to the pantomime. It was Jack and the Beanstalk. There was a giant and a flying car, which is pretty much as good as it gets when it comes to pantomimes. There was also a dancing cow, a fairy and a chap dressed up as a girl. I do not know if he was a rainbow flag person that you have got to use a pronoun for, or if he was just the usual sort of person in a pantomime. Either way he was splendid. He was not only the dame, he was also the villain, and we all booed him with great enthusiasm.

We have done everything, and I am sorry that I am too tired to tell you properly. We have had a Nerf Gun war in the hotel this morning, and still haven’t been barred or booted out, which is always a bonus. The children went to an escape room for the afternoon, and clearly they all did manage to escape because they all showed up again later on.

We went to the lovely Chinese restaurant were the man marvelled at how much all of the children have grown, and then it was the pantomime.

I hope you don’t mind. I am longing and longing to sleep. I will have to tell you tomorrow. I should have asked Chat GPT to fill in for me, but I didn’t, because I think it is missing the point somehow.I do not quite know what the point actually is, but I am quite sure it is being missed in an arcanely robotic sort of way, and so it will have to be tomorrow.

I will talk to you then.


1 Comment

  1. Peter Hodgson Reply

    After that lot I am surprised you can write at all. Pantomime sounds splendid, but will have to take your word for that, but can confirm that the Chinese experience was also splendid. Excellent food and company. Well done for organising it all once again. 5stars!

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