It has been a Day, and I am not sorry it is over.

I have been shopping.

This is not a good idea when you have got a sore foot.

It was not exactly voluntary. I had to take Oliver into Kendal for his driving theory test, about which it is probably better not to ask, an appointment at the orthodontist, and a trip to the optician.

Once I am in Kendal it is an exceptional opportunity to spend all of our money, since I don’t go very often, so I did.

I had to wander around the town whilst Oliver was having his theory test, because the rotters would not let me sit in the waiting room at the test centre. I explained, hopefully, about the sore foot, but the chap was about as sympathetic as I am when a customer says they don’t have any money, and he told me to go and find somewhere else to sit down, so I had to buzz off. Instead of sitting in a comfortable chair reading my book, I went to buy socks for Mark, soap for me, which is how everybody thinks of it, although of course they all use it as well, and some coffee and tea.

When Oliver came out, rather dolefully, he said that he needed some trainers for school, so we went hunting for some trainers before the optician. We went to lots of places before we found a comfortable pair.

I can hardly bear to think how much they cost, never mind tell you about it, but he was very pleased and he will wear them for cross country running at school, so it will be all right.

After the optician, and then the orthodontist, we went to Asda.

This cost a fortune and involved a lot more walking.

After that we had to rush back, because Oliver had to go to work, and when I got home I found Ritalin Boy and his Other Grandma sitting in the sunshine in the yard.

Ritalin Boy explained that they had come to visit the cat.

I was pleased to see them, because it meant I could shirk putting the shopping away for a little while, so he chirped about school, and his Other Grandma told me about her planned trip to Australia, until they had to get home and I could not ignore the shopping any longer.

I had forgotten some things so I rushed up to Booths. My foot was a flaming ball of agony by this time, so I went in the car.

Then I unpacked the shopping.

Mark came home and took my car to pieces. I discovered I had forgotten some more things, so I walked back to Booths, because of my car being in bits. This was an adventure because of the short cut up the bank and over the fence. Up was a bit exciting, but down was a genuine thrill ride. You will be pleased to hear that I made it intact and felt pleased with myself when it was achieved.

When I got back of course there were the neglected day’s chores to be considered, so I swept the conservatory and watered it. This also proved to be an adventure, because it turned out that the cat has been liberating cartridges of printer ink by way of alleviating the boredom whilst we are asleep, or out, or otherwise occupied in not stroking the cat. She has dropped these on the floor, where they have been seized and carried away by the dogs, to be eaten, messily, on the sofa. I was not exactly delighted at this discovery, I can assure you, although it seemed unfair to shout at anyone about it. There is no point whatsoever in shouting at a cat, satisfying as it might be, and the dogs know they are allowed to chew things they find on the floor.

After that I unpegged the washing and put it away, and as I write I am contemplating what I might feed Mark for dinner.

I will not be sorry when I have done it and can go to bed.

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