It is all going really well. Me and Lucy are at the farthest corners of this large island, and it is sad. But I want you to trust me. I will always stand up for myself.
like at break someone asked to use my bike. I said no. he was a lot bigger than me and he began to square me up to make me give it to him. I squared him up and called him pathetic for even trying to square up a little year nine. If he said anything up. I was going to kick his shit in. so that was fun. he had to walk all the way to Duffus and I gave him a cheeky look and gave him my symbol where I keep up my thumb pointing finger and my pinky finger. and sticking out my tung. and cycled my way down back from Duffus.
What was happening was that I had to eat at my break then was going to cycle all the way up to Duffus unpack because all I had was PE and then computing and pack my PE kit. but i needed my bike for that so when this guy asked to use it Duffus boy or not no one is allowed to use my bike ever. Although never name the well which you shall never drink from. so I was ready to kick the shit out of him. no one is pushing me around.
Life is good and friends are over rated.
Editor’s note. I have spent some time trying to do this handsignal. I am not sure what it is or what it means, although I suspect it means something rude. I hope nobody is shocked.

Congratulations on sticking up for yourself, I’m sure your mum and dad will be proud of you! Expect Aysgarthe gave you all the right ideas and experiences too. Great to have guarded your bike so well and I don’t expect you’ll have much trouble from anyone else now.
Another big hug for bravery, Janet
Ooooooer! You have now frightened the life out of me. I was going to use your bike when we come up there but now I think I’ll bring my car instead. I am certainly not going to tangle with a very impressive Marvel Hero.