Two minutes of diary writing in between listening to Vanity Fair.

We are on the road.

We are nearly at Glasgow. We will stop in about an hour, we think, and sleep, in the littery lay-by where we usually stay, before turning our faces resolutely to Aberdeen, whence Oliver is flying tomorrow.

The children have finally arrived back in England, and are passing a couple of days at Number One Daughter’s otherwise empty house before their holiday is finally over. They have had a brilliant time in Canada, and are exhausted and sunburned. We will not see Lucy, who has got to rush back to work, but we have got to deposit Oliver back at school tomorrow, and hence are heading north with a huge stack of luggage balanced precariously on the top bunk.

We worked this evening, although not for very long. Then we watered the conservatory and reset the mousetrap, and came away.

We have not caught any more mice, although we have caught Rosie three times now. The mousetrap is in a closed cupboard under a box buried behind Mark’s boots, but she has still managed to unearth it. I am not at all surprised that we have not caught any mice, because the trap is impossible to reach by all but the most determined chocolate lover, and Rosie is clearly keener than any mouse. 

We have still got four dogs, because Number One Daughter is still on holiday. I quite like this, except that you have got to pay attention when you are out walking with a large dog pack milling about your heels. It is very easy not to notice that one of them has sloped off for a surreptitious poo, or has rushed off after a cat, or has stolen a ball from a complete stranger and disappeared over the horizon. At the moment they are all asleep, which is how I like them, except both Roger Poopy and Rosie keep trying to put their heads on the keyboard, which is obviously the best place to be in the whole camper van.

I might not write much for a few more days. Life is being very full.

Sorry this is short. I want to listen to Becky Sharp.

PS. He hasn’t finished the fuel gauge, so we won’t be going any further than Perth anyway.

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