Goodness me, last night was busy.

The dawn chorus was well and truly over by the time we hung up our car keys and woke the dogs up for their post-work emptying in the Library Gardens.

We cashed up and drank a celebratory glass of wine. I am not sure if it is respectable to drink wine at six in the morning, especially on a Sunday, but we did. We considered briefly that we might go to the farm and do something exciting to the camper van, but common sense prevailed, and we went to bed instead.

Mark is teaching himself how to do technical things with his laptop. He has started working it out by putting a slide show together for us. It is made up of photographs of the camper, taken over the last few years. He is trying to become proficient at using the computer, which he isn’t at the moment, because eventually he would like to start making videos of himself doing things to the camper and to the taxis.

He thinks that he could put them online so that people can watch them and see how easily they can do things for themselves if they want to. I think this is an ace idea. He has learned a lot from watching other people doing things, and would like to give something back.

I watched his current draft of the slideshow last night, and thought it was splendid, going through the whole history of its tragic death and  slow rebirth, I shall put it on here when it is finished.

Mark has never bothered much with computers, other than dismantling the occasional old one to see how it worked and then putting it back together to see if it still worked, and it is ace to see him doing something new, he is fascinated by it. He has also discovered Facebook, which I thought was funny.

I set him an account up ages ago, but he has never looked at it, and when I last looked at it it had 99 ignored notifications. He looked at it for the first time this week and was surprised to find that he could see my diary on it. He spent half of his evening reading it and finding out what he had been doing.

Being weekend we allowed ourselves the luxury of coffee in bed, and spent a contented hour pondering the current state of affairs in our small world.

We did not go to the farm today, because of it being weekend and needing to spend most of it at work. Instead we tidied our lives up and set the stupid hoover on its mindless ramble around the bedrooms, and went to work.

Lucy went to work as well.  She has finally managed to dredge up the determination to ring the Chinese restaurant. Predictably, in the way of businesses here, they were so relieved to have somebody volunteering for employment that they wanted her to start straight away, and so by five o’ clock she was dressed in neat black waitressing clothes and ready to go.

There was a small hiccup when she unearthed her long-unused working shoes and discovered to her great surprise that there was a hole in them.

It was a square shaped hole, cut in the side of the left one.

Regular readers may remember the guilty source of this hole, it was from when Oliver had to have his shoes patched at the last minute before going to school.

I did not know that Lucy ever used those shoes, I thought they were a too-small pair from several years ago at school, long replaced by a more up-to-date pair.

We had a small apologetic panic, and she borrowed a pair of my shoes, since her respectable ones were still at school, and all was well.

So we are all engaged in the pursuit of wealth this evening.

I hope we are successful.

It would be jolly handy.

Above is the first picture in the slideshow. Happy campers.

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