This is going to be a really short post because it is beyond the reach of my descriptive abilities to find seven hundred words to tell you about a day in which I have spent approximately eighteen hours sleeping.

This has proved to cause an almost miraculous improvement in my toothache.

It has also almost completely seen off the feeling of flatness mentioned a couple of days ago.

I feel brilliant.

Really, truly, happily brilliant.

We slept for ages and ages last night, and woke up when we heard Number Two Daughter coming back from the gym at lunchtime. We had coffee together, after which Mark went off to the farm and she took the dogs for a long walk around High Dam, which is where we used to swim when they were small, and obviously the summers were longer and hotter.

I washed up and hung out the washing and put the shopping away.

Then I went back to bed.

I slept a sleep of complete oblivion.

When I woke up it was almost time to go to work. I didn’t have a headache, and the toothache had subsided to a small throbbing in the back of my mouth, and the shivery exhausted feeling had completely gone.

I almost packed my things to go for a swim, but in the end decided that was probably pushing it too far, and that I would sleep another night tonight and then swim tomorrow.

The loveliest thing of all is that the dreary flat feeling has gone away and I can tell you now that once again it is a beautiful world.

The sun is shining and all my washing dried, and smells of fresh garden. I have got some gorgeous flowers in the house that Number Two Daughter bought for me, and everything feels remarkably happy and very contented.

Mark and I sat on the taxi rank this evening and made excited plans for what we might do with the camper van to make it feel splendid again.

We discovered yesterday that the MOT ran out a couple of days ago, so we won’t be able to take it to Oliver’s school at the end of this week, because we can’t get it sorted out in time. This is all right because it means that now there is no rush, and we can do some nice things to it whilst it is off the road.

Mark has been busy modifying it so that we don’t need to buy calor gas for the cooker and the fridge and the heater any more, but can use the sort of LPG gas that you buy in garages. He has got a certificate to say that he is allowed to do this, so I don’t feel especially concerned about accidentally bursting into flames due to gas being in the wrong place.

Sometimes I have got little worries like that about Mark’s inventions, he is busy modifying his hydrogen exploder as well which does make me feel a little anxious at times. He says that there is a way you can make water burn if you do something or other to it, and you make electricity when you do it. I must confess to not entirely grasping the principle, actually I haven’t got the first idea what he is talking about: but he is very clever with things like that and on the whole I trust him, especially as he has promised faithfully that he will not do anything to blow us all into a million smoking pieces.

So we are going to have a newly modified van in the end, with gas on tap and a new hydrogen exploder and also the cab welded back on and the brakes working. I am very excited about this and tomorrow I am going to start working on the curtains. With any luck it will be ready in time for the summer.

You might have spotted that the pictures have all been scenic views of the Lake District lately. Of course you might not have spotted this because the pictures still will not show unless you get to the site via Google or similar, Facebook does not work. This is because it is starting to be very lovely here when the sun shines, which is just a joy after such a long and dreary winter.

It is also because when you have been idling about in bed all day you don’t have many beautiful things to show in photographs.

Tomorrow I am going to be truly wide awake and busy.


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