
Dearie me, this is going to be a very short post due to all of the usual reprehensible difficulties.

I regret to say that instead of going to work we have been to the pub with Number Two Daughter and Number Two Daughter’s old schoolfriend Laura.

I am not really in a fit state to write anything sensible. I have been talking my head off for the last hour with the uncomfortable nagging feeling that really I am not making any point worth consideration and ought to shut up. I am mildly concerned that this might also apply to the written word.

It has been Laura’s birthday, she and Number Two Daughter have been canoeing on the lake and we all met up back here for wine and birthday cake. They are not very good at canoeing and were hungry, so we went out for a takeaway.

The takeaway was going to take ages so we went to the pub.

I am now stuffed full to popping-point of birthday cake, wine and Chinese food. This is a mildly uncomfortable feeling and I am longing to be asleep instead of writing diaries in the middle of the night. Number Two Daughter went to bed ages ago, leaving us chatting and reminiscing happily with Laura.

Laura is ace to talk to, because unlike all of my own children, who are entirely convinced of my elderly foolishness, Laura thinks that I am a perfectly normal human being and politely listens to me issuing important pronouncements about the correct way for the world to behave. This evening she has not once said: “Oh, for goodness’ sake, you’ve had too much to drink, you do talk rubbish.” I have revelled in this unfamiliar freedom, and as a result now I have a guilty suspicion that I have been happily talking utter drivel for the last hour.

They have all gone to bed now, and I am sitting here quietly reflecting on the day. You will note that we did not go to work. We spent the day at the farm,doing some tidying up. Amongst Mark’s collection of things that might come in handy I noticed a dismantled coffee machine and a machine for firing clay pigeons. He preferred not to throw either of them out, just in case.

The tidying up is necessary before we do much else, because of having made such a mess, and needing to reorganise the space in order to dismantle the engine. It is nice to get rid of clutter and have space to move about, also it is quite surprising to rediscover buried things which we have not seen for weeks.

When we had finished we came home to join the girls. We failed to go swimming as well as to earn any money, so we are under-exercised as well as stout, idle and penniless, but we have had such a lovely evening that I don’t mind in the least, my fat will still be there tomorrow and I can worry about it then.

It is time I gave in to another of my baser instincts and sloped off to bed.

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