I am trying to write this quickly because I want to go to bed, so if I have forgotten to put commas in the right place or allowed the computer to predict what it thinks I might be about to say, probably things will be better tomorrow.
We are trying to get an early night because we have got to make an early start in the morning, and I am longing to sleep.
We have been so painfully busy that I can hardly say.
It is beginning to look as though we might actually be allowed to go to London. We are still not counting our chickens but I am going to have to start packing soon so I jolly well hope it is going to be all right.
I have not been packing today. Today was the Day of the Camper Van.
Actually it was One Of The Days Of The Camper Van, because tomorrow is going to be another. Today Autoparts turned up with the last bit that Mark needed for fixing it.
This was a colossal relief, because it is due for its MOT tomorrow. Mark has done all sorts of things to it. There was the brake cylinder, and lots of other rusty troubling things that the DVLA bloke did not notice but which have been worrying Mark, and so today he got the last one fixed.
After that we emptied it.
This was because the DVLA man had told us that it was heavier than it ought to be and to take it to a weigh bridge. He said that we had got to send him a copy of the ticket by email so that he could see that it was under three and a half tonnes.
I imagine that its actual weight is rather closer to fifteen tonnes, given all of the garbage that we generally lug about with us. It does not actually matter if it is a bit overweight, because Mark has fitted a braking system that is for a five ton specification truck, and so we are not in any actual danger. However it would matter if the DVLA thought we were driving something that was heavier than it was allowed to be, and so we had got to get it weighed.
This is booked for tomorrow as well as the MOT.
We thought that we would not take any chances and parked it outside the back garden whilst we took everything out of it.
Goodness, there was a lot of stuff.
I found a hardly-drunk-at-all bottle of Calvados, which was like getting another Christmas present, and ten bags of jelly babies, which I have been collecting in case the next lockdown results in a shortage. I found a jar of honey that had actually been from our own bees, and we have not had any of those since 2004, but that is all right, because when they tasted the honey they dug out of the pyramids that had kept all right, so I expect this will be fine.
There was a set of beautifully-ironed-and-lavender-scented sheets, done by somebody who really cares about my happiness, just in case we go away for ages or in case somebody wets the bed. It appears that we are still carting all of our ice skates about, although I can hardly remember the last time we went skating.
Mark said that I was to have a good sort through and decide if there was anything that I did not need, so that when we put everything back we are not just making it too heavy all over again.
I wanted to put our ice skates back but he said that I was not to, if we go anywhere where we might ice skate then we will just have to remember to take them.
I hunted through everything, finding treasures that I had forgotten I had, but in the end the only thing that I thought I really did not think I might use was a little china milk jug.
Mark said that he did not think this would make much difference to a weigh bridge, and that I could put it back if I wanted.
Everything is still in the conservatory. I have washed everything, and all of the towels and sheets are draped all over the house drying.
It was almost eight o’clock when we finished. We had pasta for dinner and watched some garbage on Netflix. It was called The Witcher and was supposed to be very good but it wasn’t, and Oliver and Roger Poopy both fell asleep.
I am going to copy them now.