I have decided to boycott P&O Ferries. There has been a request on Facebook for the socially minded to do this.
I will not be going anywhere on one of their boats for the next month at least.
That will jolly well teach them. They will soon change their rascally tune at this rate. Why, I might not go on one this year at all. Certainly I didn’t last year, what a pity you can’t save up a boycott in advance, as it were.
In other news, it is a quarter to six in the evening and we have not yet had breakfast. We did not get into bed until six this morning, and by the time we got up again the afternoon was well underway, and almost all of the day had gone.
I do find this irritating. There are all sorts of things we could do with our weekends if only we didn’t waste them all asleep.
In the end we thought there was no point in having ambitious plans for achievements. We just got dressed and took the dogs out for a long walk over the fells. We went to the top of School Knott and looked down at the farm, where Mark’s sister has demolished the shed that Mark built many years ago when he was still young, before he had bad knees and when he could crawl over roofs and hang off cranes and things. This is sad but these things happen and one day he will have another shed.
I am sorry to say that wonderful as the shed was, the farm looks rather prettier without it. I am in agreement with Mark’s sister in that having an aircraft hangar in one’s garden is not a beautiful asset. Still, Mark liked it and it has been very useful over the years. It used to sing when the wind blew, and an owl had a nest at the back. I hope it moved out in time.
It was a splendid walk. The sun is shining and the skies are a wonderful ice-crystal blue. We came back and hung the washing out in the garden. It is still there, but if I am honest there is not really much point. Washing does not dry in an hour or so after sunset, certainly not in March. Still, every drop of water that does not finish up in the house is a bonus, and so it can stay there a bit longer.
We have decided that we are not going to go to work tonight. It would be nice to have a day with no work in it at all, even if it is a short one, and so in a little while we are going to go to the bistro across the road and have breakfast. This will be handy because it will also be lunch and dinner, what an economy. Then we can go to bed early and we will not be tired tomorrow.
I am looking forward to that bit.
Once I had finished faffing about with the washing I came up here and emailed Alan Dean off to the markers. It is a rubbish assignment, certainly compared with Symon the Black, but it will do. I am not expecting it to do especially well, but it will probably pass. I wish I had had more time and written the one about the boy and the bears, it is too late for the assignment now but maybe next week.
We had a busy night at work. I picked up some people who had decided to walk back because they said they were getting their steps up. I had got no idea what they were talking about but apparently you can programme your telephone to nag you disapprovingly if you do not walk a certain number of steps every day. I can hardly credit that somebody might voluntarily do this but it appears that there is no limit to the world’s stupidity.
They walked their number of steps and gave up. They were in the middle of absolutely nowhere, and it was great good fortune that I was passing and stopped. When they told me what they had been doing I was so incredulous that I wished I hadn’t bothered, some people deserve to live with the consequences of being gullible and brainless.
I pondered this for some time afterwards. It amused me to notice how relieved I had been yesterday when Mark took the dogs to the farm and I did not need to bother trailing all over the fells with them, watching the birds nesting and gazing out at the stunning view of the lake. How pleased I had been to be let off.
What a good thing I do not have such an irritating telephone. There are advantages to having a ten-years-out-of-date rubbish model. It does phone calls and absolutely nothing else.