This is not a proper diary entry but a few words to let you know that I have arrived safely, just in case you were concerned.

I am in Cambridge, and everything is all right, even without the camper van. You can stop worrying now.

There are six stairs to my room, and I barely managed to lug my colossal suitcase up them. I considered stopping to unpack it and making two trips, but I managed it in the end, and I have been given the truly loveliest room. I mean, really splendid, with a double bed made up with crisp white sheets, and leaded windows overlooking the courtyard. From my bed, which is where I am now, I can hear the clock chiming its beautiful ancient chimes every hour. I have left the window open a little bit so that I can listen.

I have been given the nicest of everything, and I am very contented. Also I have got my own comfortable dressing gown, and my own china teapot and teacosy, my own beautiful mug, and everything is all right.

I called in to see Lucy on my way down, partly to make sure she was all right, because she had an exciting evening last night which ended with fisticuffs at the railway station. You will be relieved to hear that of course she is entirely undamaged by this adventure. She said that somebody punched her in the head, although she wasn’t exactly sure if it had been one of the other police officers or the miscreants, but whoever it was she does not seem to have suffered any ill-effects, and her little flat is looking lovely. The kittens were utterly astonished to see me arrive in their space, and stared very hard  for quite some time.

I was going to have dinner when I arrived here, but frankly I had eaten so many chocolate buttons since Birmingham that I didn’t want any. I joined some other newly-arrived students in the bar and drank wine instead.

Everybody talked about writing things. It was utterly wonderful. I am feeling very happy indeed.

I will write again when I have got something interesting to say, and some time to say it.

Until then…


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