Sorry, everybody…no diary tonight.
The last class of the day, which was not exactly demanding, being a sort of downbeat concert where we all read our work to one another, didn’t finish until almost eleven o’clock. I have had a shower and a brief exhausted collapse and now I am in bed.
Writing anything else at all today is not going to happen. I could not create anything else if I were to be lured with a publishing contract and a bowl of fudge chocolates. I am finished.
I know all about all sorts of things now, I have forgotten what any of them are at this time of night, but will probably remember next week when I get home and think about it, and now I am going to bed.
The camper van is not finished. It has a brake cylinder issue so I am going to stay another night and set off home on Thursday lunchtime.
I am both glad about this, because of loving being at Cambridge, and very disappointed, because I wanted to go and see Oliver dancing in the school show. Oliver if you read this you had better be jolly good and make sure you get the link to the film.
I suppose at least on film we will be able to skip to the best bits and then watch them twice.
We watched some film today. The man who directs the Crown gave us a lecture. I was a bit shocked when he came into class, because I had passed him in the corridor earlier on and wondered if I ought to pop back and lock my bedroom and make sure my purse was in the safe, but it was a dreadful Assumption and he wasn’t in the least a rascal. He is utterly brilliant and splendid and so clever you would hardly believe it. I don’t like The Crown at all but when he showed us what he had done it was ace. The scene where they are filming Chariots of Fire is copied from a photograph of the original film set, and the sound man from the original film came to pretend to be the sound man again. It was ace.
I am going to bed.
I forgot I am already in bed. I am going to sleep.
Have some pictures of my Seat Of Learning instead. The middle one is the view from my bedroom.
great pics – it looks ace.
How splendid, just like living in Hampton Court!
And haven’t thanked you yet for the very grand family Christmas card which Harriett passed on to me. It’s brilliant, though I think you should have been posing in Cambridge while wearing such very posh clothes. Obviously you will be the cast of the next blockbuster film.
Love to you all, Janet