I am feeling very pleased with myself.

I have occupied almost the entire day paying salaries and registering ourselves with the tax office.

I have got a headache in consequence now, but I think I have done it.

I have even opened an account into which I can pay myself a pension. I would have opened one for Mark as well but he has already got one, although I was enjoying myself so much by then I could cheerfully have opened him another.

Actually I have opened half an account. I have still got to wait for some PIN number to turn up in the post before I can actually put any money in or take any money out, but the principle is sound. I can now start wondering into which glorious financial opportunities I could possibly invest the pension cash so painfully acquired.

Perhaps I can look forward to a peaceful old age after all.

One of the happy moments of this adventure was the discovery that actually we had got several investment accounts hanging about. I explored all of these, with some interest, the curiosity kind rather than the accumulating cash kind, regrettably there wasn’t very much of the latter. Still, to my surprise I discovered an account of Oliver’s about which I had entirely forgotten. It was called a Child Trust Fund and was the brainchild of Gordon Brown whose memory I instantly blessed.

It had got enough cash in it to pay for all of his new Norland uniform.

You might remember that this is about to cost us a very lot of money.

Suddenly it turned out that our beloved leaders have funded it, who would ever have expected it, what a magnificently generous gesture.

I was elated by this revelation, and turned my attention to our finances with a renewed vigour. It would appear that it had been a good idea to purchase some shares in Rolls Royce and a very rubbish idea to purchase shares in the Disney Corporation. Given that I had entirely forgotten that I had ever done either, I was intrigued by this new knowledge, and filed it away for future reference.

If anybody has not yet got Disney Plus on their television set, could you please consider getting it now? It is an absolute bargain and it is bound to drive the share prices up, and you could watch all sorts of thrilling garbage.

I have not got Disney Plus. We do not watch enough television for it to be worth its annual cost, like going to the cinema and paying ninety quid for a ticket.

Even if I wanted it I would have to wait until the share prices went up.

I was going to write some of my story with the time left over but as it turned out there wasn’t any. It takes a lot of time and effort to start on a new career as a plutocrat, I can tell you.

Things are moving, though. I have even paid off the credit card.

The hospital is still declining to grant my father parole, and he has reluctantly agreed that he will not be able to renew his application until Monday, when there is a possibility that he might get out on appeal. I have agreed that this is a sensible way forward, not that it makes any difference what I think, since my opinion is based on no detailed research nor education whatsoever, and really I suppose I ought just to listen to the hospital consultant or at the very least to my sister the GP, and just agree meekly.

Still I am pleased. To have a potential release date is an optimistic sign, and I have resolved to make a trip down to visit early next week. I will be able to do this because I will be entirely free. Mark  is still offshore and Oliver will have buzzed off to Japan.

It shall look forward to it.

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